Best Yoga Pose for Your Astrological Sign

Guest post by: Kate Wind, Las Vegas Astrologer and Feng Shui Consultant

When it comes to yoga, there are tons of postures and techniques to take into consideration.  Whether you are new to the practice or have years of experience, you are probably aware of the benefits.  Yoga calms our mind, assists with stretching and breathing, all while providing a workout.

When we are born, we look to the position of the sun to get our zodiac sign.  The hieroglyph for the Sun is in the shape of a target.  This suggests that our Sun Sign is what we aim to be in life.

Most people I meet relate to their Sun sign, but sometimes people convey they want to possess more characteristics of a Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, etc.  For this article, I worked with Angela Reis, Las Vegas Yoga Instructor to pair the astrological signs with a yoga pose.  These poses will help bring out your zodiac sign or help encompass the qualities of others.

Warrior 1 Pose

Aries:  Warrior I  (Virabhadra I)

As the first sign in the zodiac, our Aries friends are true warriors.  They are ruled by fire and all about action!   They go to bat for you and for what is right!  This is a power pose, showing us that Aries will reach for what they want! Not an Aries? Use this pose before going into a meeting or before making a pitch!


Taurus: Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Tauruses are known for love and beauty.  Most Taurus friends I know, love a good nap and time for self-care.  Child’s Pose is perfect for them because it resembles the comfort of a hug or nap.  Not a Taurus? Use this pose after a long day of work or a stressful conversation with a partner.


Gemini: Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana)

Gemini’s are known for their multiple personalities!  Ruled by air, they do very well in social situations but they also need to withdraw to recharge! Half Moon pose perfectly depicts the balance a Gemini needs when being pulled in many directions.  Not a Gemini? Use this pose when your life is feeling out of balance.


Cancer: Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Cancers are known for giving! They are caretakers at heart but sometimes put their own emotions aside for the benefit of others. Reclined Bound Angle is about opening your heart and allowing yourself to feel your emotions.  Because they will always be givers, the legs are in a receptive position to represent their mothering nature.  Not a Cancer? Use this pose to release pent up emotions.


Leo: Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)

Leo’s are the true lions out of the group so the Sphinx Pose as a no-brainer.  There is a regal-ness about this position that encompasses the Leo energy.  This position stretches the abdomen, activating the Solar Plexus.  Leo’s are ruled by the Sun, so it is important to activate this chakra to reignite the fire! Not a Leo? Use this position to inspire action!


Virgo: Seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana)

Virgo’s are always on the go! They are typically detail-oriented so it is hard to relax their mind! The simple pose helps to ground them. Depicted by a Virgin, I wanted the pose to reflect the modesty of their sign. Not a Virgo? Use this pose when you have difficulty relaxing your mind.


Libra: Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)

It has the word Goddess in it, do I need to say more? Ruled by Venus adds a feminine touch to Libra signs.  Libra's are represented by the scales, which contrary to popular belief, makes them some of the most extreme people.  When they do something, they go all the way! Because of this, I think it is important to give them a pose with both feet planted on the ground.  Not a Libra? Use this pose when you are having a difficult time making a decision.


Scorpio: Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

Did you know that Scorpio’s are the only zodiac sign to have a 3 animal totem?  After graduating from the Scorpio, which is emotion-based, they move into the Eagle.  The Eagle is where one is self-aware of his/her powers.  Scorpio tends to be misunderstood, so moving into self-awareness is a powerful tool.  Not a Scorpio? Use this pose when going through major transitions in your life.


Sagittarius: Lord of the Dance Pose (Natarajasana)

Sagittarius is depicted by the archer which makes this pose a perfect representation! Also, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter.  Jupiter is expansive, needs freedom and suggests travel.  This pose emulates movement and going places.  Not a Sagittarius? Use this pose when you feel stuck!


Capricorn: Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Capricorn’s are depicted by the mountain goat as they tend to come out on top, regardless of their struggles. This simple pose is grounding which is perfect for these Earth signs.  There is an air of confidence that comes with this pose, which acts as a reminder to hold your head high and remain confident regardless of what life throws at you.  Not a Capricorn? Use this pose for confidence before going into a big meeting.


Aquarius: Legs up the Wall (Viparita Karani)

Although Aquarius is depicted by the Water Bearer, they are an air sign.  Because of this, they spend a lot of time in their head. They can come off aloof or as if they are not interested.  Legs up the Wall allows our Aquarius friends to look up to the sky and let their mind take the wheel.  Not an Aquarius? Use this pose when you need to brainstorm.


Pisces: Lord of the Fishes (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Pisces are depicted by two fish making this pose perfect to give homage to the duality of the sign.  Pisces’ are some of the most intuitive in the group.  Because of this, they must have boundaries in place.  In this pose, the knee gives protection to the heart chakra, while the hand position suggests 'stop'. Not a Pisces? Use this position when you are feeling vulnerable.